It provides balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA connectors which are automatically converted to each other, with a selector switch facilitates the signal switch of input/output. The product is of small size, but has well-function connecters. It is suitable for decoders and speakers without volume adjustment.
The product has the design of balanced input/output and RCA input/output architecture, with switching function. The operation of the product will not cause loss of signal source. The audio signal released from the decoder is the original sound source signal. Great dynamics will not cause loss of sound quality, retaining the complete original signal source.
2 in 2 out switchover, unbalanced RCA connector and balanced XRL connector for input/output. Input: unbalanced RCA connector / balanced XLR connector (convert selection).
Output: unbalanced RCA connector / balanced XLR connector (convert selection). Product net weight: 0.32 kg.Product package weight: 0.42 kg. Product dimensions: length 145mm X width 65mm X height 43mm. Packaging dimensions: length 200mm X width 180mm X height 55mm. 1 Piece A977 Volume Controller. Please pay what you win in 7 days.
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